1. Use SCHOOLING in a sentence. (phone rings).....Hello? Who SCHOOLING?
2. Use AFFECT in a sentence. Maria is wearing AFFECT diamond ring.
3. Use PAUL four times in a sentence. PAUL, be carePAUL, you might PAUL in the swimming PAUL.
4. Use DELETION in a sentence. The balat of DELETION is crispy.
5. Use PAMPERS and PAPERS in a sentence. At the gas station, some people PAMPERS and some PAPERS.
6. Use TENACIOUS in a sentence. I went to the shoe store to buy a pair of TENACIOUS.
7. Use IRAQ , EGYPT , and IRAN in a sentence. I threw IRAQ at EGYPT and then IRAN .
9. Use DEFLATE in a sentence. Can you please wash DEFLATE for me?
10. Use PERSUADING in a sentence. Jack and Jill got married on Nov. 1, 1997. So on Nov. 1, 1998, they are going to celebrate their PERSUADING anniversary.
11. Use DEDUCT, DEFENSE, DEFEAT,and DETAIL in a sentence. DEDUCT jumped over DEFENSE; first DEFEAT, and then DETAIL.
12. Use DEVASTATION in a sentence. Every morning I wait for the bus at DEVASTATION.
13. Use FACT 3x in a sentence . As a matter of FACT, the birds cannot fly without FACT FACT!
A jolly day to all.....
(sent by J.C. de Comer)
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